European Union Trademark Registration

Monday February 12th, 2018 VP Advocates

A European Union Trademark grants protection over the entire European Union under a single registration. The Trademark Registration includes protection in the following: Austria, Bulgaria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

Step 1: Trademark Search Report

Trademark search report is prepared with an analysis about registration probabilities. It includes phonetic similarity searches within the European Community trademark registration data base. This report is optional but highly recommended.

Before filing the application for registration of the trademark in the European Union, it is important to evaluate possible obstacles that may arise during the registration process. Our Trademark Search Report will not only list similar trademarks (graphic/phonetic) that may conflict with yours, but it will also provide you with an analysis about any registration possibilities. This report is optional but highly recommended.

There is the option to search either only a word mark or a word mark and a logo:

  • Word Mark is composed exclusively of words, letters or numbers and their combinations, without any graphical characters or specific colours.
  • Logo (or figurative mark) is composed exclusively of graphical symbols, drawings or logos.
  • Word Mark and Logo is the combination of words, letters, numbers, graphic symbols and drawings.

Why is the Search necessary?

During the registration process, objections may arise on several grounds: similarity with a previous trademark (graphic or phonetic), similarity with a notorious-famous trademark, the trademark is too generic, etc

Our Trademark Search Report will provide assistance with identifying potential obstacles so you can properly evaluate the possibilities of registration of the prospective trademark.

The Contents of the Search Report

Our Search Report includes the following sections:

  1. a) Class Identification: Trademarks are registered in classes; the report will define the classes for your trademark according the description that you will provide.b) Trademark Search: Based on defined Classes, we will perform an in-depth search of existing registered trademarks, identifying the ones that have graphic/phonetic similarities.
  2. c) Analysis and Recommendation: Based on search results, we will present a general recommendation regarding the trademark registration probabilities.

Step 2: Trademark Registration

We will file your Trademark Application in the European Union and will carry out all needed tasks before the Trademark Office in order to obtain registration approval. As soon as your trademark is filed we will send you a filing report which will include the application number and date, plus a scanned copy of the filed trademark application in the European Union.

Requirements for Registration of a Trademark

In order to apply for a trademark in the European Union you need to provide us with Information through our Trademark Registration Application Form and a Power of Attorney.

  1. Information

The following information should be entered in the Trademark Application form (which will be provided upon request):

  • Trademark Information: Trademark name, classes, description of products and services, whether it includes a logotype.
  • User Information: Details of the administrative contact.
  • Owner Information: Details of the individual or company that holds the Trademark.
  1. Power of Attorney

After the submission of the Trademark Registration order, we will be providing you with a Power of Attorney. The Power of Attorney is a document that you must complete in order to authorise us to be your representatives before the Trademark Office.

Trademark Registration Prices in the European Union


Please contact us for further information and for a Fee quote.

Application for an individual Trademark

(1 class & services included)

Fee for a second class & services for an individual Trademark €50
Fee for each class & services exceeding two for an individual Trademark €150

Estimated Process Duration: 9 months


Prices include actual expenses payable only.


We welcome you to contact us for more information
about our firm & services.